Early Sports Specialization: Safe, Sorry or Simply Unable to Say No?

“At what age should they specialize?” Shelby asked me at the book signing. She had her two boys in tow. Her daughter was away on a weekend retreat, so she found herself with a freer schedule than usual. The son in question was … Continue reading

How Young is Too Young to Recruit for College Soccer?

Does anyone really think that committing to college soccer as a middle schooler is a good idea? Yet, this is where we are, and it’s getting a lot of attention. The most recent announcement comes from Haley Berg, who verbally committed (as … Continue reading

Can Your Kid Handle College Soccer?

When Suzy Germain and her freshman class (1980) teammates were  recruited by Anson Dorrance to play for the UNC Tarheels, they were a force to be reckoned with. Describing it, Suzy says, “Practice was a battle. We took over every starting … Continue reading