Control the Negative: your back will thank you

There’s plenty of negative out there we can’t control, but the negative I’m talking about we can. And we need to do it better. I’m talking about the eccentric phase of our daily movements. Most of us know this from … Continue reading

Core Fitness: Field Exercises to Build a Strong Core

Coaches, I know what you’re saying. Sure, Wendy, you’ve told us core fitness is essential. You’ve shown us how to do core fitness with the exercise ball. You’ve inspired us with your planking ability – oh wait, that was Alan … Continue reading

Core Fitness: Fitness Ball Exercises for a Strong Core

In my previous post called “Who Needs Core Fitness?” I made the case for the central role (no pun intended) for core strength in your body’s ability to move efficiently and hold still effectively. Sports require we are both stable … Continue reading

Who Needs Core Fitness?

At the VYSA convention this weekend I presented on two topics: Game Fitness and Concussion Protection. The common denominator: Core Fitness. Seem strange? Not really. Because strength in your core muscles – your torso, both front and back – allows … Continue reading