Good Coaches Make Youth Sports Healthy

Youth sports is out of control! We need to go back to the good ole days when everyone played for fun in their neighborhoods!” 

Look familiar? Even the referee doesn't know what to do with this!

The old days were good, but they’re gone. Now, issues of safety, distance, parental work schedules, and availability of playing areas make neighborhood games something of a relic. And, I’m sorry. Fantasy soccer teams and X-Box games are no substitutes. Today’s answer to backyard games is organized youth sports.

But what about “Youth sports is out of control!” This weekend I spoke to a room full of coaches who are committed to bringing youth soccer back under control. The coaches who attended the Virginia Youth Soccer Association conference care about kids and want to help them be fitter, stronger and healthier so they discover what they’re made of on the athletic field.

If you’re one of those coaches~ who want the sports kids are playing now to stick with them for a lifetime~ thank you. Fit2finish is committed to supporting your efforts and helping you be the best for those kids.

Check out other posts on this site for sport health and fitness info and stay tuned for regular posts on fitness, stretching, warm ups, nutrition -all the things coaches have questions about.

Fit2finish is happy to host the conversation about health and fitness, so let’s have your comments and ideas. Go ahead, give it your best shot!




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