Fit to the Final Whistle
Here’s what we’ll be talking about at the VYSA Session.
I. What is (physical) Fitness?
o What are the demands of soccer?
o Can just playing the game make them fit for the game?
II. Fitness for Soccer – dynamic fitness, game-like demands
Skills + conditioning = Peak Performance that lasts (train skills, bodies and hearts)
III. Principles of Conditioning, The Science – all with the game in mind
o Intensity – “overload” vs “overtraining”
o Progression – gradual, not kill and recover
o Interval Training – work: rest ratio, quality work, train recovery
o Cross Training – alternate days, cooperate with multiple teams
o Recovery, including Stretching – stretch after training
o Cautions – injury prevention
IV. How to fit it into practice – practical, tricky, fun
1. Choose a skill to train.
2. Add the fitness.
3. Make it matter.
4. Make it fun.
5. Make it game-like.
V. Adding cardio-conditioning to scrimmages
VI. Demonstrations
o U6-U8: crazy days
o U9-U12: pin ball plyo intervals
o U13-14: resistance band tag
o High School: V-shuttle, hop and volley
VII. Fitting it into your practice